Wednesday 29 October 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 27

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 27: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.  

Monday, November 3 , 2014 --- Proverbs 12 --- ‘The Lord detests lying lips’
-        V1, Is this verse a little harsh, or is it simply some straight talking?
-        V4, In what way is this true?...Is it still true if the words ‘wife’ and ‘husband’ were switched?
-        V17, This Proverb seems rather obvious – why do you think it was written?
-        V25, Who was the last person you cheered with a kind word?...How much did it cost to do this good deed? 

Tuesday, November 4 , 2014 --- Proverbs 31 --- ‘A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised’
-        V4-7, Are these verses just for Kings?...Or should they be relevant for each of us?
-        V8-9, What groups of people might be included among those who cannot speak up for themselves? Do you think it includes the elderly, those with learning difficulties, the unborn children?
-        V10-31, Do you think these verses are only true for wives, or might they be equally accurate for husbands?
-        V30, Is this a good piece of pre-marital advice? 

Wednesday, November 5 , 2014 --- Ecclesiastes 1 - -- ‘Everything is meaningless’!
-        V1 & 12, Who is writing these words?
-        V1-11, How would you summarise these verses?...Have you ever come to similar conclusions as the writer?
-        V18, How is this true?
Thursday, November 6 , 2014 --- Ecclesiastes 3 - -- ‘There is a time for everything’
-        V1-8, ‘There is a time for everything’, but how can we discern whether it is the ‘right’ time?
-        V17, How can this verse be both a challenge and a comfort at the same time?
Friday, November 7 , 2014 --- Ecclesiastes 12 - -- The conclusion of the teacher’s considerations.
-        V13-14, read these verses carefully, and consider whether you think they summarise the purpose of life.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 26

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 26: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week. 

 Monday, October 27 , 2014 --- Proverbs 1 --- 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge' 
-        V1-6, who wrote the Proverbs, to whom were they written, and why?
-        V19, is this still true today?
-        V20-33, is 'Wisdom' here being used as another name for God, or are we just reading similarities between the two?
Tuesday, October 28 , 2014 --- Proverbs 2 --- Why it is good to seek wisdom 
-        Have you ever asked for the gift of wisdom?
From this chapter, list some things that we should be trying to do, and some things we are being urged to avoid. 

Wednesday, October 29
 , 2014 --- Proverbs 3 --- Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
-        V5-6, Take time to dwell on these words and how they may be remembered and applied in your own life.
-        V9-10, is this 'Prosperity Theology', or is it a reminder to put God first in all things (including income) and to learn the art of contentment?
-        V11-12, how can we tell the difference between the Lord's discipline and something which is not from God? 

Thursday, October 30
 , 2014 --- Proverbs 10 --- Words of wisdom and advice 
-        Reading through this chapter, is any of the advice out of date?...
-        Are there specific verses which you think could help you demonstrate more wisdom in your thoughts and actions? 

Friday, October 31
 , 2014 --- Proverbs 11 --- ‘The one who is wise saves lives’ 
-        As you read through this chapter, consider which verses are more associated with ‘salvation’ issues, and which are more associated with ‘holiness’ issues.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 25

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge

5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014

Week 25: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.
Monday, October 20 , 2014 --- Psalm 118 --- ‘His love endures forever’
-        V6, Does this verse sound familiar?...
-        V6, is repeated in the New Testament (Hebrews 13:6). Would you be able to honestly repeat this verse personally too?
-        V8, Should we include ourselves among the ‘humans’?
-        V15, Are we able to shout for joy and victory even in the midst of problems and difficulties? Why/why not?
-        V22, Do you think this is referring to Jesus?
-        V25-27, Is this prophetic of the future Palm Sunday?
Tuesday, October 21 , 2014 --- Psalm 119 --- The longest chapter in the Bible!
-        V1-8, When we consider whether we have ever disobeyed any of God’s 10 commandments, how do we measure up within these first 8 verses? Are we blameless?
-        V9-16, in summing up these verses, how are we to try and ensure we are living as God wants?
-        As you continue to read through this chapter, what is the recurring theme?
-        V132-133, Is this the Gospel of Salvation – that because we have transgressed God’s law we are in need of His mercy, which He freely gives to those who love His Name…but which should be followed by a desire to live in holiness?
-        V169-176, Can you make this your prayer?
Wednesday, October 22 , 2014 --- Psalm 121 --- ‘The Lord watches over you’
-        How reassured does this Psalm make you feel?
-        Do you feel watched over by God?
-        What about when bad things that happen to you, how may this Psalm be of help?
Thursday, October 23 , 2014 --- Psalm 139 --- God knows us better than we do!
-        V1-12, do we sometimes forget that God is everywhere, and doesn’t just appear when we walk into a church, open a Bible, or say a prayer?
-        If we remember that God is everywhere, sees everything, hears everything, and even knows what we are thinking, how can that knowledge enhance our prayer-life, affect our actions, and strengthen our trust in His eternal justice?
-        V14, when was the last time you took a look at the way the human body is designed and works together in all its detail and gave praise to God for such genius?
-        V24, are you willing to say this prayer?
Friday, October 24 , 2014 --- Psalm 145 --- ‘The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.’
-        V3, Is it possible to adequately describe God?...Have you tried?
-        V11-12, When was the last time you spoke about God outside of a church service?
-        V18-20, How might we use these words to help explain the Gospel and the availability of salvation?

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 24

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 24: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.
Monday, October 13 , 2014 --- Psalm 95 --- ‘Come, let us bow down in worship’  
-        V1, When you sing hymns of worship, maybe at church, do you think carefully about the words you are saying, or does a type of ‘autopilot’ begin? How can we try and ensure we think carefully about what we sing, and make our worship even more meaningful?
-        V8, Do you think it is possible for a Christian to harden their heart to the extent that they end up weakening their relationship with God and ultimately losing their faith and trust in salvation?  
Tuesday, October 14 , 2014 --- Psalm 96 --- ‘Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise’  
-        V4, why is God to be feared?
-        V9, is striving for holiness an act of worship in itself?
-        V13, why would God’s judgement be something to rejoice about?  
Wednesday, October 15 , 2014 --- Psalm 100 --- A short Psalm of praise, acknowledgment and thankfulness.  
-        Do you go to church?...If so, why?
-        Does this Psalm give us the purpose for going to church?
-        V3, dwell for while on this verse, and as you read it a few times, place the emphasis on different words to help appreciate how powerful it is to truly believe these things! 
Thursday, October 16 , 2014 --- Psalm 101 --- A Psalm of holiness  
-        V1, Can the Gospel of Jesus Christ be fully described without explaining God’s love and God’s justice?
-        V1, If God didn’t require a penalty for sin, would He still be a God of justice?
-        V2, How much care do you take to lead a blameless life?

-        V3, What would you consider to be ‘vile’ in God’s eyes?
-        V4, If you recognise something as evil, how can you distance yourself from it? How important (and how difficult) is it to do this when your peers/society does not recognise that something is wrong?
     -        V5-7, How relevant are these verses for our desire to live lives of holiness in     today’s modern world?  
Friday, October 17 , 2014 --- Psalm 117 --- The shortest chapter in the Bible!  
-        If we were to spend time focusing on this short chapter, how might these words be expanded upon, and how might they be applied in your life?
-        When we sing or say “Hallelujah”, what are we saying?