Friday 21 March 2014

Lent Bible Reading Series Week 4

Lent Bible Reading Series 
5 March 2014 to 20th April 2014
Week 4/7: by Major Kath Jones, Asst. Spiritual Life Development Secretary

Welcome to the Lent Bible Reading Series
by Major Kath Jones - Asst. Spiritual Life Development Secretary
Week Four
Give us this day our daily bread.
Monday 24th
Bible Reading – Isaiah 55, Acts 2: 42 – 47
The chapter from Isaiah invites us to accept the provision God has made for us. I like the line that says ‘Listen to me and eat what is good’. I remember as a very small child been given the crust off a loaf of bread, fresh from the bakers, spread with best butter, there is nothing better! I can almost taste this treat as I write!
I am sure we would still say that bread is the staff of life, just as it was two thousand years ago. In Jewish tradition the father of the family would take the daily baked bread, break it and give thanks. He would then share the broken bread with those sat around the table. Not surprising then that Jesus spoke a lot about bread!

Break thou the bread of life O Lord, to me,
As thou didst break the loaves beside the sea.
Beyond the sacred page I seek thee, Lord,
My spirit pants for thee, O living word’. (Mary Lathbury SASB 650).

Tuesday 25th
Bible Reading – Psalm 104: 10 – 15, Matthew 6: 25 – 34
In the original script of Matthew and Luke’s gospel is a Greek word ‘epiousis’ meaning daily; as in give us this day our daily bread, or so it was supposed! Apparently when this word was scrutinised by biblical scholars it was suggested that its meaning was doubtful and somewhat confusing. Some of the early church fathers thought ‘epiousis’ was referring to consecrated bread for use in communion, others thought maybe it was bread that would be shared at the second coming of Christ. Today the thinking is that the word ‘epiousis’ means tomorrow’s bread; we ask therefore for enough bread for the next twenty four hours, no more and no less.

Pray: We thank you Lord for this our food, much more because of Jesus blood. Let manna to our souls be given, the bread of life sent down from heaven.

Wednesday 26th
Bible ReadingExodus 16: 1-5, 13 – 19, 23 – 32, 1 Kings 17 : 1 - 15
O those troublesome Israelites, they should have been acquainted with the line from Toplady’s song, ‘Day by day the manna fell: O to learn this lesson well! Still, by constant mercy fed, give me, Lord, my daily bread’! Elijah had to learn to be totally reliant on God’s daily provision. Today’s readings remind us that we should put our trust in God’s providential care. Whilst understanding the truth that God provides what we need, not what we want! 

Consider: In western society we throw away a huge quantity of untouched food, how does this fact make you feel when many in the world are starving?

Thursday 27th
Bible Reading – Luke 12: 13 – 21, 1Timothy 6: 17 – 19
In the parable of the rich fool, Jesus describes the consequences of storing rather than sharing what you have! Can you remember a few years ago when we had the butter mountain and then the cheese mountain? This excess food production was shared with the population, many corps became distribution centres. Thinking about this parable perhaps it would be helpful to remember that the Lord’s Prayer says, ‘Give us our daily bread’. Meaning this is not just a personal prayer but a corporate prayer, one in which we consider the needs of others as well as our own.

Prayer: Lord, turn our hearts outwards to see the needs of our brothers and sisters, and give us all, today, tomorrow’s bread.

Friday 28th
Bible Reading – John 6: 25 – 35
In today’s reading Jesus describes himself as ‘the bread of life’; and that those who come to him will never go hungry. Jesus meant that just as bread is an essential for us nutritionally, Jesus is the one who sustains our spiritual well-being. How do we benefit from this provision? By regularly feeding on God’s word and communing with him in prayer.

O bread of God I choose thee now with gladness,
Though sweet the taste of earthly gain may be!
My spirit pines in poverty and sadness,
Unless my sustenance be found in thee.
Lord God, I come thy life in mine is waking;
What’er I am I bring into thy care:
Thy loving hands will bless me
 In the breaking of bread thou givest, and I long to share.
(Catherine Baird).

Saturday 29th  
Bible Reading – John 21: 4 - 13
‘I see your hands, hands that turned water into wine, turned simple fish and bread into a banquet.
And now you turn to me offering the bread, inviting me to take and eat and share the meal with you.
My hands reach out in awe, the smallest frustration of the day forgotten.
And like those men around the fire
I dare not ask, “Who are you Lord? I know.’                                                       (Eddie Askew).

Consider: Perhaps you could arrange to invite some friends to share a meal with you. One suggestion could be that you share the meal in silence whilst someone reads a portion of scripture (or listen to an audio recording), this is a practice that Benedictine monks adhere to for their main meal of the day.

Sunday 30th
Bible Reading – John 6: 37 – 51
From our reading today Jesus makes a clear indication that it would be necessary for him to give his life for the salvation of the world. The analogy he uses is that of bread; verse 51 says ‘This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world’. Just as bread is broken, and given for our sustenance, so Jesus’ body is broken in crucifixion for our salvation. A loaf of bread, very ordinary, necessary to our daily nutrition, yet if we had to, I guess we could manage without bread. However Jesus, the amazing “bread of life” we need to ‘feed on’ constantly for our spiritual health’s sake.

Thou art the bread of life O Lord, to me.
Thy holy word the truth that saveth me:
Give me to eat and live with thee above:
Teach me to love thy truth, for thou art love. (Alexander Graves)

Friday 14 March 2014

Lent Bible Reading Series Week 3

Lent Bible Reading Series 
5 March 2014 to 20th April 2014
Week 3/7: by Major Kath Jones, Asst. Spiritual Life Development Secretary

Welcome to the Lent Bible Reading Series
by Major Kath Jones - Asst. Spiritual Life Development Secretary

Week Three
 Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven
Monday 17th
Bible Reading – Mark 1: 14 – 15, Matthew 25: 31 - 46
The Kingdom of God was the constant theme of Jesus’ teaching. He spoke of the Kingdom of God being here and now and also as a future event when Jesus would return to bring his glorious Kingdom in. Tim Chester in ‘The Message of Prayer’ says, ‘everything about the Lord’s prayer resonates with Jesus announcement that Gods Kingdom is breaking into the story of Israel and opening up Gods promised new world and summoning people to share in it.’

Consider: The Kingdom of God exists wherever people live by and model its principles of justice, love and peace.

Pray: Father how we love you; we lift your name in all the earth. May your kingdom be established in our praises, as your people declare your mighty works. Blessèd be the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come; who reigns forever more.

Tuesday 18th
Bible Reading – Isaiah 40, Luke 16: 1 -17
‘They all were looking for a king to slay their foes and lift them high; Thou cam’st a little baby thing that made a woman cry.’(George Macdonald). The expectation was that God’s kingdom would be established by a mighty warrior King who would bring judgement upon those who oppressed the people of God. However Jesus, when he spoke about the Kingdom of God did so in terms of the kingdom coming not by force or might, but by his spirit.

Consider: Do you see evidence of God’s Kingdom on earth?

Wednesday 19th
Bible Reading – Matthew 13 1: 23, Psalm 78, 1-8
When Jesus described the Kingdom of God he often spoke in parables to help his listeners in their understanding. Parables are descriptive illustrations, usually from everyday life; a teaching tool which preachers use in sermons to emphasise a particular truth. On one occasion Jesus spoke about the coming Kingdom of God as a tiny mustard seed and on another occasion as yeast in dough. By this he meant that it was a gracious and sometimes hidden coming, thus giving opportunity for personal realisation and commitment, ‘now being the accepted time’.  But he also spoke about the fact that one day there would be a harvest, at the appointed time, when the King will come in power and glory.

Consider: Contemplate Maranatha “Our Lord come” and your response.

Pray: Help us Lord to proclaim the good news of your Kingdom.

Thursday 20th
Bible Reading – Luke 6: 20 – 42, Matthew 6:23 - 34
Today’s reading from Luke is known as the Sermon on the Mount and Jesus here describes the qualities or attitude of those who belong to the Kingdom of God. Love being the most important value, quickly followed by not judging others. In considering membership of the kingdom of God Joanna Collins in ‘When you Pray’, says, ‘sometimes we have become so comfortable in our world that we struggle to adopt a heavenly perspective, or we feel that we can never be good enough therefore not entitled to receive the Kingdom’.

Consider: What does it mean to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God?

Friday 21st
Bible Reading-Revelations 21: 1 – 5,
To pray ‘thy will be done on earth as it is heaven’ is illustrated well for us in today’s reading. This will be a time when heaven will come down to earth and God will dwell with his people. Tom Wright in ‘The Lord and His Prayer’ remarks ‘pray not merely that certain things might occur within the earthly realm that would coincide with plans that God had made in the heavenly realm, but that a fresh integration of heaven and earth would take place.”

Consider: Heaven and earth cry out your name, nations rise up and see your face; and your Kingdom is established as I live to know you more. Is this your experience?
Saturday 22nd
Bible Reading – Matthew 28: 16 – 20, Matthew 16: 21 – 28
Today’s reading from Matthew contains the mission statement Jesus gave to the first disciples ‘to go and make disciples’; and primarily this is our mission too. Many corps and centres have compiled mission statements that are relevant to the community in which they serve. Such statements are usually displayed as a reminder of intent. Do you have a personal mission statement? Today may be a good day to think about this as you read through the great commission.

Consider: Uniformed Salvationists wear an ‘S’ on their lapels, this is to indicate that they are saved to save! Catherine Booth said ‘Every man saved, every man at work to save others, this is the quintessence of Salvationism. If the Salvation Army should decline it will be because self-denying love for souls has dwindled in the heart of Salvationists’. There is mission in my living; there is meaning in my word.

Pray: Lord may your Kingdom come, may your will be done, in and through me.

Sunday 23rd
Bible Reading – Mark 14: 32 – 42, John 3: 10 - 21
‘Abba father’, Jesus said, ‘everything is possible for you; take this cup from me, yet not what I will, but what you will’. These are the anguished words of Jesus as he prayed knowing he was to suffer a horrific death. Scripture tell us that Jesus fell to the ground as he prayed, as he earnestly sought to obey his father’s will. John 3 makes clear what his Father’s will was; ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him’. There was no other way, ‘there was no other good enough to pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gate of heaven and let us in’.

He was wounded for my transgressions, acquainted with sorrow was he,
 In the garden he prayed, and sweats great drops of blood,
To save a poor sinner like me.  (John Lawley SASB 137)