Saturday 30 March 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 5

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge
4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014
Week 05: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year, reading just 5 chapters per week.
It’s Week 5 of the Bible Challenge, and this week we will be reading about the Triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem,
how He challenged some of the established religious leaders, and also touches upon teaching about the end-time.

Here at Hythe during this Easter period we have been emphasising Jesus' title as the "King of Kings", and to help in our devotions we put together this video to the song "Crown Him" by Chris Tomlin. With so many folk unable to get out to a worship service this weekend, perhaps this will be a helpful source of ministry:

Monday, April 1, 2013 --- Matthew 21 --- The triumphal entry, but Jesus is not received well by the religious leaders.

- Why did Jesus seem to judge the fig tree (v18-22) so harshly? Was it because He was hungry? If we tie it in with the following parables, could it have been a symbolic action regarding Israel's religious establishment?

- Why do you think Jesus didn't give a straight answer regarding His authority? (v23-27)
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 --- Matthew 22 --- This chapter includes Jesus outlining the greatest commandment in verse 37.

- What about you? what extent to you hold and implement this greatest commandment within your own life?

- What about the second greatest commandment (v40)?

- Is it true to suggest that throughout Jesus' ministry He doesn't demonstrate His authority merely through miracles, but also through sound logic?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013 --- Matthew 23 --- Jesus speaks plainly against the hypocritical piety of the religious leaders.

- When Jesus tells His followers not to call anyone 'Rabbi', Father', or 'Teacher'...did He mean this in a universal sense (don't call a school teacher 'teacher'?, or a boy's dad 'father') ? ...or could He be talking about the use of these titles for some other reason or context?

- This chapter makes Jesus sound very hard in His criticisms...calling the religious leaders 'hypocrites', 'snakes', and a 'brood of vipers' do you feel about this? What does it tell you about Jesus' character? What steps can we take to avoid falling into a similar 'snake-pit'?

Thursday, April 04, 2013 --- Matthew 24 --- Jesus speaks on the end times…with emphasis on being ready for His return!

- Can we know when Christ will come for His church?

- What state of alertness should we be maintaining in the meantime?

- If Christ can come for us at any time...then what impact should that have on 1) our desire to share the Gospel? 2) the way we live our lives?

Friday, April 05, 2013 --- Matthew 25 --- Jesus uses parables to illustrate the coming judgement and our need to be ready.

- is it possible that Jesus might come again within our lifetime?

- when we talk about being 'saved'....what do we mean? 'saved' from what?...

- do these parables give us an insight into God's eternal justice as well as His eternal love?

- given that Jesus is recorded as having said these things, is it possible that He is mistaken?

- what impact should these verses have on our everyday living, expectation, and witness?

Friday 22 March 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 4

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 04: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year, reading just 5 chapters per week.

It’s Week 4 of the Bible Challenge, and in the next 5 readings we read about Jesus predicting His death, demonstrating His glory, teaching and healing...

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton

Monday, March 25th  -- Matthew 16 – The Pharisees demand a sign, and Jesus predicts His death
-       In what way was Jonah a ‘sign’? (v4)
-       Are there still people today who insist on seeing a sign of some sort before they will believe? Do you think this is a valid request?
-       Jesus asks His disciples “Who do you say I am?”…but what would your answer be today?
-       V21-23 Did Peter miss the point of Jesus’ death, did his sorrow blind him to the good news of the resurrection, or was his misunderstanding simply clouded by his genuine concern for Jesus?
-       Do Christians sometimes focus on today’s worries, difficulties, and sorrows while neglecting the promise of what is to come?

Tuesday, March 26th  --- Matthew 17 --- the transfiguration
-       the transfiguration demonstrates the glory of Jesus  - but even on an everyday, scientific level, does it also emphasise how evidently limited our human knowledge is of time and space?
-       V22-23, the disciples were “filled with grief” this a surprise, or understandable?
-       V27, that’s quite an amazing occurrence, why do you think Jesus did such an elaborate thing?

Wednesday, March 27th --- Matthew 18 --- starting with the question of who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
-       V2, what is the difference, spiritually speaking, between being ‘childish’ and being ‘childlike’?
-       V10, WOW!...take time to dwell on verse 10 and all its implications for you and for others.
-       V21-35, the last 3 words add a real punch to this fundamental teaching, how easy is this to implement?

Thursday, March 28th --- Matthew 19 --- Jesus teaches on divorce, welcomes children, and talks on putting wealth into context
-       V3-12, what would be the benefits and difficulties involved with adhering to this teaching on marriage and divorce?
-       V23-24, why would being rich make it harder to enter the Kingdom of God?

Friday, March 29th --- Matthew 20 --- starting with the parable of the workers in the vineyard
-       how do you interpret the parable of the workers in the vineyard?
-       V17-19, how important and reassuring do you think these prophecies became after Jesus had ascended into heaven and left His disciples?
-       V34, Can Jesus still heal today? If He can, but doesn’t, what does that mean?


Sunday 17 March 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 3

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge
4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014
Week 3
Bible Reading
Plan and Discussion Notes
Monday, March 18, 2013
Matthew 11
Jesus talks about John the Baptist and the need for repentance
• Do you think verses 20-24 suggest some unbelievers will find God’s
judgment more bearable than others?
• It has been said that the God of the New Testament is one of love and
peace, while the God of the Old Testament is one of wrath and
punishment. Would you agree? Or are these characteristics mutually
• Is there a marked contrast between what Jesus says in verses 20-24,
compared to verses 25-30, or are these interlinked?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Matthew 12
Jesus helps interpret what the Sabbath is for, and refers to the prophet Jonah as a ‘sign’ of His own death and resurrection.
• (v39-40) How accurately was this prophecy fulfilled? (3 days and 3 nights)
• Some biblical scholars wouldconsider the story of Jonah being swallowed
by a huge fish to be allegorical (and therefore didn't really happen) Does
Tuesday's reading help clarify this line of thought?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Matthew 13
Jesus tells some parables, and explains why He uses them.
• Wednesday's reading may help us to determine why Jesus spoke in
parables. It's not as clear-cut as tradition has led us to believe!

Thursday, March 21, 2013
Matthew 14
The amazing miracles of feeding the 5,000 and walking on water.
• Part of Thursday's reading includes the miracle of Jesus walking on water.
I've heard many sceptics accuse Jesus of having performed an illusion
here. For example, some have claimed that as it was late at night when
this event took place, perhaps Jesus was merely ankle deep in the water
along the shoreline and it therefore played tricks with the tired vision of
the disciples, and they thought they saw something quite different? But
what do you think?

Friday, March 22, 2013
Matthew 15
Jesus explains how our faith comes from within, not by mere rituals.
• During Friday's reading it can be all too easy to point the finger at those
Pharisees who were breaking the commands of God for the sake of their
tradition. But what about us? What about you, me, our churches, and
the wider Church? Do we have traditions, teaching, or doctrine within
the church which are man-made and can become obstacles to our
relationship with God?