Wednesday 11 April 2018

Latest on Ethan 11 April

Wednesday 11th April 2018
Sorry to post again!
Yesterday was not so good ðŸ˜ž
Ethan’s body is disliking the steroids and reacting. Yesterday his skin was boiling hot, bright pink and immensely puffy. Lots of antihistamine was given but with very little impact. He was uncomfortable all day and very anxious.
Lydia was confused by his appearance and couldn’t work out why he was wearing so much blusher!!
Thank you for your support and prayers but I ask again that you continue to pray for him today as he has more IV steroids. Also that you will pray for me as I care for him. It’s continually upsetting to see him so uncomfortable but there is no time for tears or sadness, I just have to keep on top of the medicine routine and keep him entertained and as comfortable as possible.
Your support is wonderfully encouraging, thank you.
Esther xx

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Latest on Ethan 10th April

Esther Knott to Praying for Ethan
7 hrsBath
Tuesday 10th April 2018
Despite Ethan’s favourite doctor not being around yesterday for the cannula fitting, Ethan coped remarkably well.
His first thoughts were to get praying, followed by the decision to relax as much as possible and finally eat a chocolate bar which he thought would help his veins to appear!
Anyway, it worked and Ethan has now got another doctor at our local hospital that successfully fitted Ethan’s cannula with no problems at all ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘.
We’re off to Hospital again now, so Harry Potter, colouring, chatting and watching episodes of Dragons will be on the agenda today ðŸĪŠ
Thank you for your prayers and support xx

Monday 9 April 2018

Latest on Ethan 8th April

Sunday 8th April 2018
Hi all,
Hope you’ve had a good and special Easter time?
We’ve managed some time away with friends and family but it’s back to reality this coming week. Ethan has another week of IV steroids in our local hospital along with a visit to Bristol Children’s Hospital.
Please pray that all goes to plan this week; the cannula fitting goes well, the steroids don’t cause too many nasty side effects and that we all have the energy to face each day.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Much love Esther xx