Tuesday 22 October 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 36

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 36: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

We are now onto week 36 of our New Testament Bible Reading Challenge,
as we continue to read through Paul’s letter to the Philippians,
and begin his letter to the Colossians.

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton


Monday, November 04, 2013 --- Philippians 2
---  ‘Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus’ (v5)-       V5, ‘to be like Jesus’ is sometimes the best description of holiness, and some characteristics are listed in the following verses, but how do you measure up?

Tuesday, November 05, 2013 ---
Philippians 3 --- Paul encourages the church to press on in their lives of holiness-       V13b-14, Does Paul make it sound like living as a Christian is an easy thing or something that needs working at?
-       V20-21, Do these verses sound like Paul had been teaching a Rapture theology? (that the next event in eschatology is for the dead and living Christians to be taken to heaven at a time of God’s choosing)

Wednesday, November 06, 2013 ---
Philippians 4 --- Paul ends the letter with some exhortations, thanks, and final greetings-       V4, How is it possible to ‘rejoice in the Lord always’?
-       What is the link between the anxiety (v6) and the peace (v7) Paul writes about.

Thursday, November 07, 2013 ---
Colossians 1 --- Paul’s proclaims the supremacy of Jesus Christ-       V15-20, Is this a useful passage to confirm that Jesus is God made flesh?
-       V26, who are ‘the Lords people’ mentioned here by Paul?

Friday, November 08, 2013 ---
Colossians 2 --- Paul makes known the mystery of God -       V2, The word sacrament comes from the Latin ‘sacramentum’, which was used to translate the Greek word ‘mysterion’, from which we get the word ‘mystery’. The question is; what is the mystery of God according to Paul?
-       If we have accepted Jesus into our lives as Lord and Saviour, is it fair then to say that our lives should be ‘sacramental’ as we reflect the likeness of Christ (the mystery of God) in us?
-       V8, how deep and rooted is your faith? Are you attracted by alternative philosphies and beliefs?

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 35

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 35: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

 We are now onto week 35 of our New Testament Bible Reading Challenge,
as we continue to read through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians.

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton


Monday, October 28, 2013 --- Ephesians 3 --- Through faith in Christ we may approach God with freedom and confidence v12-       v12, to what extent to we believe this?
-       V12, to what extent to do we practice this?
-       V12, to what extent to we teach/preach/tell others about this?

Tuesday, October 29, 2013 --- Ephesians 4 --- Paul speaks on the idea of being united in the body of Christ-       V4&5, if we can be baptised by water immersion, water sprinkling, various other rituals including (in dry countries) even using sand for baptism; and given also that there is a baptism of repentance, baptism of righteousness, and a baptism into Moses and others; then what is the ‘one baptism’ that Paul is writing about here? Is it more about a united confession (baptism) of our belief in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – rather than the means by which that baptism is made?
-       V11-16, in what way have you grown/matured in your knowledge and understanding of God and Scripture in the past year?
-       V29-32, are there any elements here which need to be eradicated from your life?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013 --- Ephesians 5 --- A short guide for holy living, and a call for mutual respect within marriage.-  v1-7, Paul continues to describe requirements for living in holiness…can we use this teaching to help clean up our own behaviour? Or does it describe things which we try to justify?
-       V21-33. Some folk have used this passage to claim that Paul’s teaching on marriage is sexist. Do you agree? Or is this an abuse of the text? What do you think, does the text command mutual love and respect within marriage?

Thursday, October 31, 2013 --- Ephesians 6  --- Paul describes the spiritual armour we need for our spiritual warfare-       V10-18, Is there a devil?
-       If there is a devil (and a demonic enemy) then does he have power over us?
-       Why are we given ‘armour’ to wear?
-       When was the last time that you deliberately checked your spiritual armour?
-       V19, who is it that gives Paul the words to witness?

Friday, November 01, 2013 --- Philippians 1 --- Paul commends the church at Philippi for their joy and prayers-       V21, Do you understand Paul’s feelings as expressed in this verse?
-       V27, have you ever had to stand-up for the Gospel in the face of opposition? If not, what would you do if such a situation occurred?

Thursday 17 October 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge Week 34

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 34: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

We are now onto week 34 of our New Testament Bible Reading Challenge, as we continue to read through Paul’s letter to the Galatians, and begin his letter to the Ephesians.

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton

Monday, October 21, 2013 --- Galatians 4 --- Paul worries about the spiritual freedom of the Galatians-       V15, is this further evidence that the ‘thorn in the flesh’ referred to in 2 Corinthians 12 was his bad eyesight? Would this possibly be a lasting result of his being blinded when first called? (Acts 9)
-       V8-20, Paul seems to be talking about the reality of ‘backsliding’, losing the joy of holiness, and being in danger of turning away from the Gospel of salvation they had once received. Is it possible for us to ‘backslide’ today?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013 ---
Galatians 5 --- Paul warns about the possibility of backsliding, and lists the fruit of the Spirit-       V1-6, The Gospel of Christ is based on being saved by grace through faith in what Jesus did for us by dying for our sins. To thereafter think it was necessary to be circumcised was in effect turning away from that pure faith and relying on the Jewish law instead. Paul seems to be arguing that no rituals are necessary once you have placed your faith in Christ, and indeed, to say any rituals are necessary questions the integrity of your faith. Are there any rituals today which we may be tempted to feel are necessary to being a Christian?
-       V22-23, can you memorise the 9 fruit of the Holy Spirit which we should each be cultivating in our lives?

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 ---
Galatians 6 --- “God cannot be mocked”-       V11, is this further evidence that Paul’s eyesight was particularly bad (see also Galatian 4:15), and possibly the ‘thorn in the flesh’? (2 Cor 12)
-       V7-9, do you find these verses reassuring when considering justice within the world?
-        Do you think we ‘reap what we sow’ immediately, in God’s time, or in eternity?

Thursday, October 24, 2013 ---
Ephesians 1 --- Paul gives thanks to God for the Ephesian believers-       V13 & 17, in the one verse Paul says we have the Holy Spirit and in another he is praying for the Spirit to be given. How would you reconcile these verses?
-       V22-23, in what sense are we (the church) the ‘body’ of Christ?

Friday, October 25, 2013 ---
Ephesians 2 --- ‘For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – not by works’ v8-       V8, how are we saved?
-       V9, do our works, rituals, ceremonies, good deeds, church attendance, loyalty to our church….save us?
-       V10, as Christians with the promise of eternal life through faith in Christ, can we now sit back and relax and not worry about our behaviour?

Friday 11 October 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge week 33

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 33: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year, reading just 5 chapters per week.

We are now onto week 33 of our New Testament Bible Reading Challenge,
as we continue to read through Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth.

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.
Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton

Monday, October 14, 2013 --- 2 Corinthians 12 --- Paul talks about the ‘thorn in his flesh’ and God’s grace
- v1-4, Paul evidently thinks it is possibly for a person to be transported (by God) from earth to heaven/paradise without any problem. Is this a helpful affirmation of the plausibility of a future rapture of the church?

- v4, we can only speculate, but what sort of things do you think Paul heard and saw during this experience?

- v7, are we given any idea what Paul's 'thorn in the flesh' might be?

- v7, why was Paul given this 'thorn in the flesh'?....and could this be a clue/reason as to why sometimes we have permanent irritations/obstacles in our lives too?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 ---
2 Corinthians 13 --- Paul gives the Corinthians final warnings, and then greetings

- v11, this sounds like good advice for all Christians:
- Aim for perfection
- Listen to Scripture's appeal
- Be of one mind
- Live in peace

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 ---
Galatians 1 ---
The churches in Galatia are accused of entertaining false doctrine
- v6-9, these sound like strong words, perhaps reflecting their importance...can we afford to take them any more lightly 2000 years later?

Thursday, October 17, 2013 ---
Galatians 2 ---
Gentiles should not have to follow Jewish customs.
- v1&2....is this the same revelation that Paul referred to in 2 Corinthians 12?

- v11-14, it may not be 'nice history'...but does knowing the flaws of some of the great apostles help add to Scripture's reliability and authenticity? (i.e. it doesn't try to gloss over the facts)

Friday, October 18, 2013 ---
Galatians 3 --- Salvation comes by faith, not through observing the law.
- do you know people who say they hope they are 'good enough' to be saved (get to heaven)?

- do you ever take time to consider how God loves you regardless of how faithful and obedient you are?

- is it tempting to think that we have helped earn our own salvation through being 'good' Christians?

- why is it important to recognise that our efforts cannot help earn our salvation?

- salvation comes by grace through faith alone....although this is true and what Paul is saying, can this be a difficult doctrine to accept?

Friday 4 October 2013

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge week 32

New Testament Bible Reading Challenge

4 March 2013 to 28th February 2014

Week 32: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read the New Testament from beginning to end within one year, reading just 5 chapters per week.

We are now onto week 32 of our New Testament Bible Reading Challenge,
as we continue to read through Paul’s second recorded letter to the church in Corinth.

Great Expectations: Expect God to speak through the Scriptures, expect to learn new things about Him, and about ourselves, and expect to read and absorb some familiar stories and passages.

Top Tip!To get the most out of this challenge, start each daily reading with a short, simple, sincere prayer asking God to guide your thinking as you read. Then open the Bible and read slowly, with the aim of learning something new. After the reading, consider how it may affect your life and relationship with Jesus, and allow your increased knowledge of the Scriptures to shape your character and strengthen your trust in God.Take your time - enjoy this opportunity - and may God bless you as you embark upon this New Testament Bible Challenge.
Captain Phil Layton


Monday, October 07, 2013 --- 2 Corinthians 7 ---
Paul is encouraged by the response to his previous letter- v1, what sort of things today may have the ability to 'contaminate body and spirit' in your life?

- v10, how would you explain the difference between 'Godly sorrow' and 'worldly sorrow'?

Tuesday, October 08, 2013 ---
2 Corinthians 8 --- The church in Corinth is urged to ‘excel in the grace of giving’- v12, with regard to your financial giving, what does this verse mean?

- v18, who is this other 'brother'?...can we know?....has Paul deliberately not named him - if so - why?

Wednesday, October 09, 2013 ---
2 Corinthians 9 --
- When it comes to your giving: ‘God loves a cheerful giver’

- v7, this is a very important verse in what can sometimes be a sensitive topic - money!...so...
- how much do you give?
- do you give cheerfully, or reluctantly?
- do you reassess your giving from time to time?
- does your giving reflect the importance you attach to God's work?

- v7 implies that God is not only is aware of how much we give, but also our attitude toward giving. Why do you give? Because it's expected? Because it's needed? Because it's instructed? Out of obedience?...or a bit of each?

Thursday, October 10, 2013 ---
2 Corinthians 10 ---
Paul defends his ministry- v18, have you ever stopped and taken time to seriously think about the Lord's commendation for you?

Friday, October 11, 2013 ---
2 Corinthians 11 --- Paul warns the church about false teachers- v1-15, What does the term 'Satan's angels of light?' mean (verse 14)

- v14, is it possible that even today and in your community there may be people 'masquerading' as Christian teachers/preachers who are actually 'false apostles' and 'deceitful workmen'?

- if so, what can we do to guard against this, or to protect ourselves, or to proclaim the truth?