Friday 25 July 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 13

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 13: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

Monday, July 28, 2014 --- Exodus 11 --- God prepares Moses for a final plague which will prove successful 
-       V3, why do you think the Egyptians now looked upon the Israelites and Moses in this way?

-       V8, Knowing that this last plague would be successful, why do you think Moses became so angry? 
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 --- Exodus 12 --- Moses is given instructions for the Israelites, to prepare for the Passover. 
-       V2, is this the Jewish calendar being defined?

-       V11&13, Why is the meal called the ‘Passover’?

-       V14, for how many years were the Jews to commemorate the Passover?

-       V21-23, Do you think the Passover shows similarities with, or foreshadowed, any future event?

-       V31-33, it seems that fear of God finally led to obedience and recognition of God. Where there is no fear of God’s judgement today, is it harder to preach the good news of the Gospel of salvation?

-       V37, 600,000 men, plus women and children…and so probably over 1 million Israelites left Egypt. Can we imagine the impact this would have had on Egypt, on Moses, on the Israelites, and on the surrounding countries? 
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 --- Exodus 13 --- The firstborn are to be consecrated, and God guides the Israelites by a pillar of cloud and fire 
-       V14-18, why were the firstborn to be consecrated?

-       V19, Joseph believed in God’s promise, which was fulfilled 430 years later. What can we learn from this?

-       V21, what effect do you think would have had upon the Israelites? What effect do you think it would have had later on when the pillar of cloud and fire no longer appeared? 
Thursday, July 31, 2014 --- Exodus 14 --- The Egyptians give chase, but the Israelites miraculously cross the sea and escape. 
-       V11&12, do we, too, quickly forget the power and sovereignty of God?

-       V21&22, can we imagine what this must have been like?…over 1 million Israelites walking through a sea, protected by a cloud of fire, chased by the entire Egyptian army!

-       V31, do we need to see miracles in our day in order to fear the Lord and put our trust in Him?...or is this history enough?...

-       if you are in between a rock and a hard place, knowing that God can rescue you, and yet He doesn’t, what would you make of it? 
Friday, August 01, 2014 --- Exodus 15 --- v2 “the Lord is my strength, and He has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise Him” 
-       v1-18, if you were to compose a song (it doesn't have to rhyme!), about the work of God in your life, and how He has rescued you from the chains of sin and the fear of death, what would your song include or look like?

Thursday 17 July 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 12

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 12: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week. 

Monday, July 21, 2014 --- Exodus 06 --- God repeats His promise to the Israelites 
-       V9, does ‘anguish’ sometimes get in the way of our belief in God’s promises? For example, does pain and suffering cause us to doubt God’s care?...Does the evil we see in society cause us to doubt God’s justice?...Does ridicule and mockery cause us to doubt God’s existence?

-       V30, Do our weaknesses cause us to doubt whether God can use us?...or do we use our weaknesses as an excuse not to serve and obey?

-       If faith and trust in God can overcome all these doubts, how would it impact our lives? 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014 --- Exodus 07 --- God provides signs, and the plagues begin 
-       Do you think the signs from God were for Pharaoh’s benefit, for the benefit of Moses so that he would trust in God’s power, for the benefit of the Israelites who would have heard about these miracles, or all of the above?

-       V1, Moses was God’s representative. Do we realise how today, we are the closest that some people have to knowing God? Do we recognise that we represent Him whether we are aware of it or not, and that the idea of there being a God, and what His character is like, is being observed through how we act?

-       V2-5, why do you think this plan to rescue Israel was taking so long? Could God not have set a ‘sign’ to successfully convince Pharaoh the first time? Is this explained by proving that Pharaoh’s had freewill, or is there a bigger perspective which clarifies why the 10 signs were needed and beneficial for the Israelites?

-       V7, is anyone too old to be mightily used by God?

-       V11, 12, & 22, Have we ever considered how the story of the Exodus wasn’t just about the freedom of the Hebrews physically, but also about spiritual warfare against Satan and some powerful adversaries? 
Wednesday, July 23, 2014 --- Exodus 08 --- God provides signs, and the plagues begin 
-       V18-19, What impact do you think this might have had on the magicians?...could this be another reason why God’s plan was so elaborate?

-       V22-23, if God can (and did) show such discrimination for those who loved Him…why does He let bad things happen to Christians today?

-       V26-27, clearly Moses was far more persuasive and confident than he had previously given himself credit for!  
Thursday, July 24, 2014 --- Exodus 09 --- God sends the plagues on the livestock, followed by boils and hail  
-       V7, can you imagine how amazing this was?...imagine every animal being effected in your country, except for those in your county/state…AND having it predicted…wouldn’t you have been persuaded?

-       V15-16, we are given the reason why this plan to free the Israelites had been so elaborate…and so is it reasonable to believe that sometimes even today God may use methods for purposes which are beyond our current understanding? 
Friday, July 25, 2014 --- Exodus 10 --- God sends the plagues of locusts, followed by darkness 
-       V1 & 4, If God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, then does that mean Pharaoh didn’t have a choice and isn’t to blame?

-       V15, Can you imagine what this would look/feel like?

-       V16, What is the difference between regret, confession of sin, and repentance?

-       V23, Yet again there is no mention of Pharaoh’s magicians being able to duplicate or reverse this miracle. Has anyone ever managed to create darkness (as opposed to creating a shelter from the light)?