Friday 30 May 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 5

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 05: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

Monday, June 02, 2014 --- Genesis 21 – Isaac is born, and Hagar and Ishmael depart 
-       V1-7, what can these verses teach us about how God may use us throughout any age of life?

-       V1-7, what can these verses teach us about trusting in God’s promises?
 Tuesday, June 03, 2014 --- Genesis 22 – Abraham’s faith is tested and affirmed 
-       V1-14, This story may generate all sorts of questions and emotions…such as, given the length of time Sarah had waited until she gave birth to a child, do you think Abraham told her about this journey before he left ?

-       V7, Isaac had been with his father to offer sacrifices many times, and knew that something was missing, but to what extent to we realise how much our children are watching and learning from us in our spiritual lives today, and do you think they recognise when there is something ‘missing’?

-       This story really needs to be read alongside Hebrews 11 :17-19, what light does this shed upon Abraham’s faith, belief, and actions?
 Wednesday, June 04, 2014 --- Genesis 23 – Sarah’s death and burial 
-       V1, how old would Isaac have been when Sarah died ?

-       Why do you think Abraham was so insistent on paying for the burial place ?
 Thursday, June 05, 2014 --- Genesis 24 – Abraham’s trusted servant finds a bride for Isaac 
-       This is a terrific and familiar story. As you read through it carefully, is there anything which you had either forgotten or not noticed before?

-       V12-14, do you think it is legitimate to make sure a prayer today ? … does it depend on the circumstances ?...or is gthis something that Christrians should not attempt ? would you justify your answer ?
 Friday, June 06, 2014 --- Genesis 25 – Abraham remarries, Rebekah gives birth, and Esau sells his birthright 
-       V5, despite have more children, why do you think Abraham gave all he had to Isaac ?

-       V9-10, do you think this was a rather momentous occasion to havde Isaac and Ishmael burying Abraham together ?

-       V9-10, do you think the ability to bury subsequent family members in the same place was the reason why Abraham was so insistent on purchasing the land in the first place ?

-       V29-34, although it would be fair to assume Esau was extremely tired and hungry, do you think Esau lacked respect for his birthright ?... or that Jacob was showing disrespect by buying it so cheaply ?...or is this simply a case of sibling rivalry ?


Thursday 22 May 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 4

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge
5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014
Week 04: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.

Monday, May 26, 2014 --- Genesis 16 – Abram has a son, but not with his wife Sarai 
-       V1-2, do you think Abram was too quick to listen to Sarai’s logic, or was this a sensible decision under the circumstances?

-       V5, do you feel sorry for Abram, or Sarai, or both…or neither? 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 --- Genesis 17 – Circumcision is the sign of God’s covenant with Abraham 
-       Was God’s covenant with  Abraham the Hebrew a temporary one or an everlasting one?

-       V10-11, was circumcision part of the covenant itself, or was it the sign of the covenant?

-       V12, why do you think day eight of a boy’s life was chosen for circumcision?

-       V19-21, was God’s covenant to be established through Isaac or Ishmael?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014 --- Genesis 18 – Abraham receives heavenly visitors, who repeat the promise to Sarah and travel on to judge Sodom 
-       Reading through this chapter and the first verse of chapter 19, it seems that the God and two angels presented themselves in human form. Do you think God and His angels can, and still does, do this today?

-       v14, a question for you, maybe with regard to your own prayers….’Is anything too hard for the LORD ?’

-       v15, is there any promise or prophecy in Scripture which you doubt will occur?

-       V16-33, (especially v25) ‘Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?’…how useful is this to remember when considering those who die without hearing the Gospel?

 Thursday, May 29, 2014 --- Genesis 19 – The sin of Sodom and its subsequent Judgement 
-       V1-3, why do you think Lot was so insistant on the visitors staying at his house?

-       V5, does this verse reveal the problem which the angels came to judge?...or do you think it was a symptom of a bigger problem?

-       Was the wickedness shown toward the two visitors with regard to homosexuality, rape, or inhospitality?

-       V8, isn’t Lot’s offer of two daughters a crazy thing to do? you think the Bible includes this as a good thing, or as an example of human stupidity ? it affirming to know that the Bible does not attempt to hide such mistakes made by characters such as Lot ?

-       V9, having been denied the male visitors, and having rejected the virgin daughters, the men of the city now want Lot!

-       V14, even within the family unit not everyone heeded the urgent warning – does this happen today with regard to our eternal Judgement ?

Friday, May 30, 2014 --- Genesis 20 – Abraham pretends Sarah is his sister – again! 
-       We know that Sarah was now at least 90 years old (see Ch 17:17) and yet Abraham evidently still feels he needs to deceive the King Abimelech about her…putting her in danger and in the King’s hands. Do you think Abraham should have learnt to trust God for protection by now, given the repeated promise of descendants which would come through him ?

-       V12 reveals that, in Abraham’s perspective at least, he had not been lying about Sarah being his sister!

Friday 16 May 2014

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge week 3

Old Testament 150 Reading Challenge

5 May 2014 to 28th November 2014

Week 03: Bible Reading Plan and Discussion Starters

Welcome to The Salvation Army's Challenge to read
150 popular chapters from the Old Testament within 7 months,
reading just 5 chapters per week.


Monday, May 19, 2014 --- Genesis 11 – The Tower of Babel, and Shem’s descendants down to Abram.

-       Would you agree that only the Bible provides an adequate explanation of why we have different languages? If not, what other explanation would be adequate?
-       V9, does this explain why humankind is so widespread geographically?
-       V31, this verse tells us how Abram and Sarai came to live in Haran.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 --- Genesis 12 – Abram receives a promise from God, and tricks Egypt’s Pharaoh.

-       V13, Is this promise still active today? If Abram’s promise was fulfilled through his descendants, the Jews, and the land of Canaan is Israel, then does this promise urge us to bless the Jews and Israel?...or did the promise die with Abram?
-       V10-20, does this story condone lying?...or is it an example of Abram’s fallibility?...or are we missing a piece of this puzzle (see also Ch20:12)
-       Why do you think this story of the famine and Abram’s deceit was included in Scripture?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 --- Genesis 13 – Abram and Lot part company

-       V4, Abram ‘called on the Name of the LORD’…what do you think this means?
-       V13, Lot chose to live in a land which looked appealing, but contained much wickedness…are there parallels with decisions regarding where we choose to ‘live’ or spend our time today?

Thursday, May 22, 2014 --- Genesis 14 – Lot is captured and then rescued by Abram

-       V14, the first mention of the Hebrews!
-       V1-17, Have you noticed how already life had become very tribal, with various kings waging war against each other?
-       V18-20, for more about the mysterious Melchizedek read Hebrews chapter 7!
-       V20, was Abram’s tithe compulsory or optional?

Friday, May 23, 2014 --- Genesis 15 – God’s covenant with Abram

-       V1-6, God made Abram a promise which by worldly standards and human experience looked unlikely to be fulfilled…but Abram believed God, and his faith was accounted for righteousness. You and I are given a promise by God, that all who seek forgiveness from God through faith alone in the salvation of Jesus Christ shall receive eternal life…to many who underestimate the power of God this may seem unlikely to be fulfilled, and so do we have the faith of Abram?
-       Is there a link between the blood/sacrifice of these animals, and the blood of the Passover Lamb, and the blood of Jesus in their respective covenants?
-       V13, the slavery in Egypt is foretold…does this add to the Bible’s credibility?